Here are some galleries of our Age of Sigmar painting commissions. You’ll find painted examples of both armies and Age of Sigmar board games here, painted to our various quality levels. You can find a breakdown on our miniature painting quality, here.

Generally, we paint a regular 28mm infantry mini for $5.54 per miniature, at standard quality (prices go up from there). Clicking on any of the links below will also get you some of our sample rates, for those miniatures.


This Excel file for has our Age of Sigmar rates for a few figures. You can use it to get a rough idea of how much your commission may come to. For a confirmed price quote on though on some miniature painting, please contact us here.

If you’re interested in getting a quote for some Age of Sigmar miniature painting, please drop us an email.

Some of the commissions below show a mix of quality levels.

Oscar Tapia - Archaon Everchosen and Varanguard

Oscar Tapia - Stormcast Eternals (Anvils of the Heldenhammer)

Jeremiah Pointer - Orruks (2024), Age of Sigmar

Lance LaGroue - Bretonnians Order 3

Matthew Hill - Seraphon Lizardmen

Billy Clingman - Flesh Eater Courts 3

Jeremiah Pointer - Flesh Eater Courts 2

Scott Graham - Fyreslayers

Scott Graham - Warhammer Quest: Cursed City

Chris Parten - Age of Sigmar: Greenskins / Night Goblins

Chris Quiterio - Gloomspite Gitz

Justin Orton - Kruleboyz

Chris Quiterio - Warhammer Underworlds

Lucian Warrmen - Oldhammer Dark Elves

Justin Orton - Stormcast Eternals

Oscar Tapia - Lumineth Realm-Lords

Teo Bradley - Oldhammer Empire

John Kelley - Sylvaneth, Kruelboyz, Pot Grot and Drekki Flynt

Simon Beale - Warhammer Underworld’s Possessed

Shane Hensley - Cursed City

Jonathan Heiden - Seraphon Lizardmen and Orruks

Robbert Woodward - Oldhammer (2022)

Joshua Lewin - Warhammer Underworlds Warbands

Michael Picone - Soulbright Gravelords

Jeremiah Pointer - Flesh Eater Courts

Peter Orfanos - Cursed City

Jeremiah Pointer - Orruks

Geoff Krstic - Nighthaunts

Oscar Tapia - Sylvaneth on Fire

Tristan Godbold - Cursed City

Joshua Buchanan - Oldhammer Skaven / Andy Chambers-Style Skaven

Joshua Buchanan - Skaven

Tony Persson - Cursed City

Ben Jessen - Hedonites of Slaanesh

Dominion (More of Justin’s Kruleboyz and Stormcasts)

John Marvel - Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Daughters of Khaine

Edward Perez - Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Blades of Khorne

Garth Kane - Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Sons of Behemat

Alex Sulfredge - Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves

Alex Sulfredge- Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Lizardmen

John Kelley - Age of Sigmar

Adam Zagaris - Age of Sigmar / Nighthaunts

Garth Kane - Age of Sigmar: Dark Elves / Daughters of Khaine

Garth Kane - Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Flesh Eater Courts

Matthew Miller - Fyreslayers

Shawn Anglum - Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Troggoth Army

Shawn Anglum - Idoneth Deepkin

Garth Kane - Age of Sigmar: Blightwar

James McGee - Age of Sigmar: Soul Wars

Simon Beale - Shadowspire

Simon Beale - Warhammer Underworlds

Brian Chinchar - Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower

Jarren Lloyd - Warhammer Fantasy: Age of Sigmar

Daniel Downing - Nurgle Maggotkin

Shawn Anglum - Various Armies

James Dinwiddie - Chaos and Stormcast Eternals

Jason Richards - Chaos

Conor Brett - Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunts

Kevin Moyer - Warhammer Fantasy: Orcs

Mitchell Stewart - Tomb Kings

John Kelley - Kharadron Overlords and More

Alex Aquila - Age of Sigmar: Legions of Nagash

Jarren Lloyd - Shadespire

Chris Quiterio - Age of Sigmar: Chaos Slaves to Darkness

Jay LaRosa - Orcs and Goblins

Mitchell Stewart - Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen - Seraphon

James McGee - Daemons of Tzeentch and Khorne

Ken Owens - Ice Orcs / Orruks

Nick Wild - Warhammer Quest

Jonathan Sullivan - Seraphons

Billy Clingman - Orruk Ironjaws

Justin Le Blanc - Dogs of War (September 2024)